
Explore our full range of vaporizers and find the perfect device for you. Whatever kind of vaporizer you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered. We only stock high-quality, tried, and tested products of all shapes and sizes from market-leading brands, and we’ve been dedicated to bringing you the finest vapes and accessories since 2000. Browse our collection below and discover the right vaporizer that matches your lifestyle, personal taste, and budget.

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Our guide for vaporizers

What is a Vaporizer?

Essentially, a vaporizer is a device that uses heat to convert dry herb or waxy concentrate into vapor without burning it. Vaporizers use a heat source, usually an electrical element, to heat your chosen herb to an optimal temperature at which it will release vapor without igniting them and releasing smoke. This allows you to inhale vapor alone and not take in any unwanted smoke.

Why Choose a Vaporizer?

More and more people are choosing to use vaporizers as they are a much healthier lifestyle choice when compared to traditional forms of smoking, where herbs are physically burned, and smoke is inhaled.

Vaporizers are a healthier alternative to smoking as they produce a cleaner, smoke-free vapor to inhale. As well as this, our vaporizers are available in various forms, including smaller, hand-held sizes for discreet use.

What is the difference between a Vaporizer and a Bong?

Vaporizers are mostly battery-powered, portable plastic or stainless-steel handheld devices that produce vapor without burning your chosen herb or concentrate. On the other hand, bongs are usually constructed from glass and use a naked flame to burn your herbs. The vapor produced by weed vape, concentrate, and oil vapes are much less harsh and clear from carcinogens and other toxins in smoke.

Many bongs use water filtration and percolators to clean and filter the smokey hit. In contrast, electric vaporizers remove the physical presence of harmful smoke by burning at a lower, more efficient temperature. Most vaporizers come with precise temperature control settings, so you can control which compounds are activated and customize your vaping experience.

What’s more, vaporizers come in smaller shapes and sizes, making them portable and pocket-friendly for use on the go.

What to look for when buying a vaporizer?

If it’s your first time buying a vaporizer, or even if you’ve bought and used them in the past, it’s important to consider a few factors when choosing a new one to ensure you’re getting the best product to fit in with your lifestyle.

Vaporizers are as varied as the strains of our favorite herb, so here are some things to look out for when shopping for a vaporizer.

Temperature control: Some vaporizers can set the device's temperature and allow you to choose the temperature range. This gives you total control over how you vape and allows you to burn different compounds at different temperatures to get the perfect reaction from your preferred herb.

Method of heating: Vaporizers use two main methods to heat your herb. Conduction and convection.

Conduction is the most common. This works by heating a surface (usually metal) in direct contact with your chosen herb. You're using conduction when you load up your wax concentrate rig/concentrate vaporizer and touch that red-hot nail to the wax.

Convection uses precisely heated air to pass through the herb or concentrate. Whatever you’re vaporizing is not in actual contact with the heating element. This results in a more complete and even vapor.

What are you vaporizing?

The product you wish to vape will usually dictate the device you’ll need. For example, some vaporizers are designed specifically for oil, wax, and concentrate use. If this is what you’re after, you will most likely want to choose a vape pen, concentrate pen, dab pen, or oil pen.

Other vaporizers are designed specifically for dry herbs or flowers and are designed accordingly. Some vaporizers have multiple applications. Browse through our extensive selection to choose one that's right for you.

Size: Vaporizers come in a variety of designs and sizes. A small/micro pen can easily and discreetly fit into your pocket or purse for use on the go. A pen vaporizer is the cheapest way to start vaping for beginners. Mid-sized dry herb vapes are slightly larger but still pocket-friendly and are usually intended for flowers. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, larger tabletop vaporizers need to be plugged in. These often resemble kitchen appliances/humidifiers intended for home use.

Price: When buying a new vaporizer, consider your personal budget. At Grasscity, we pride ourselves on bringing you affordable, high-quality vapes from the best brands, including G pen, Dr. Dabber, Pax 3, xVape, X-max, Volcano, DaVinci Miqro, Arizer Extreme Q, Kandypens, Crafty and many more. Also, look out for our exclusive Grasscity coupons and discounts to get the most for your money.

Warranty: At Grasscity, we’re proud to offer a warranty on all vaporizers. When an issue with a vaporizer occurs, feel free to contact our customer care to experience our excellent service.
What are the best vaporizer brands?

The most popular brands we stock include Yocan, Davinci, Puffco Vaporizers, DrDabber, and Storz & Bickel Vaporizers.

Using a vaporizer

If you’re using a vaporizer for the first time, there are a few things to consider to get the most out of it. Here are our top tips for vaporizer use and maintenance.

Buy quality equipment: A top-quality vaporizer needs enough power to heat up your chosen herbs effectively so that they don’t cool down too quickly, allowing you to take a second drag. Adjustable airflows are a must as they help prevent burning.
Use clean materials: When vaping, you should always use fresh cotton balls to filter your vapor. A good grinder will also allow you to smooth out and refine your herbs and allow them to fit neatly into the heating chamber, giving you the best vapor.
Clean your vaporizer regularly: Looking after your vaporizer is essential to its lifespan. You'll get the most from your device if you clean away residue after each use.
Keep spare batteries: The last thing you want is to run out of power when vaping. Whilst most vaporizers are rechargeable, a second fully-charged battery is always handy.
Take breaks: Vaping differs from smoking; regular breaks are strongly recommended.
Storz & Bickel, There are plenty of different flavors and strains of herb available with varying concentrations of THC and CBD, and it can take some experimentation to find the right balance for you.

Benefits of using a Vaporizer

The main advantage of vaporizers is the relatively low temperatures at which they operate. This makes them more efficient because heating at a lower temperature ensures that a higher concentration of your chosen herb is activated and enters your body.

The compounds in your herb start to get activated at about 200 °F. A more comprehensive range of compounds becomes activated as you turn up the heat. Almost everything is activated at around 420 °F, with combustion happening at 451 °F. After combustion, these compounds slowly get destroyed after combustion before your body can absorb them. Compared to the bowl in a glass bong that's burning at around 2000 °F, vaporizers work at low temperatures, leaving more of those compounds intact and giving you a more rounded experience.

8 products

Dip Devices Lunar Vaporizer Pen | Red -25%
Dip Devices Lunar Vaporizer Pen
Regular Price £29.99 As low as £22.49
XVAPE Avant Portable Herb Vaporizer | Red -32%
XVAPE Avant Portable Herb Vaporizer
Regular Price £59.00 As low as £39.99
Dr. Greenthumb's x G Pen Roam Portable E-Rig Vaporizer | side view 1 -26%
Dr. Greenthumb's x G Pen Roam Portable E-Rig Vaporizer
Special Price £109.99 Regular Price £149.95
XVAPE Aria Portable Vaporizer | Blue -37%
XVAPE Aria Portable Vaporizer
Regular Price £79.99 As low as £49.99
XVAPE Starry 4 Dual Use Vaporizer | Green -34%
XVAPE XMAX Starry 4 Dual Use Vaporizer
Regular Price £99.00 As low as £64.99
DynaVap The BB3 Stem | Blue -16%
DynaVap The BB3 Stem
Regular Price £29.99 As low as £24.99
FireFly 2 Plus Vaporizer | Blue -10%
FireFly 2 Plus Vaporizer
Regular Price £247.99 As low as £223.19
Dip Devices Evri Starter Pack Vaporizer Kit | Black -39%
Dip Devices Evri Starter Pack Vaporizer Kit
Regular Price £65.99 As low as £39.99

8 products