reclaim on a dab tool

For all the folks who regularly dab, you may have noticed residue in your rig that sadly goes to waste. That black or brown, sticky oil building up in your dab rig is called "reclaim." It's similar to how resin and ash can build up in your bong, pipe, or another smoking accessory and builds up slowly as you take dabs. The good news is that reclaim is totally smokeable, unlike ash and resin!

Let's look at reclaim catchers, how they work, and why you should have one.

Why Reclaim?

The leftover concentrate, or reclaim, that can drip down a nail or banger can accumulate over time and build up in your dab rig. However, unlike resin or ash catchers, reclaim can be collected for reuse later, minimizing waste and allowing you to maximize your cannabis.

You'll also keep your dab rig clean longer since you'll prevent your concentrates from collecting in the main body. You'll have to clean your reclaim catcher separately, preventing residual concentrate from mixing in with the fresh dab and affecting the flavor.

Most dabbers know that some cannabis concentrates don't come cheap, and maximizing your dollar with an efficient reclaim catcher can save you heaps in the long run!

How Reclaim Catchers Work

When you take a dab, not all the concentrate will be vaporized. Some globs might cool and condense, which will clog up your rig.

You can attach your reclaim catcher to quartz bangers or your rig's or bubbler's joint. As you dab, the residual concentrate might drip down and be collected by the dish at the bottom. You can then store it for future use!

Some bangers come with a drop-down attachment that can act as a reclaim catcher, or you can purchase one separately. Several sizes are available, so be sure to get the appropriate one. The shorter the catcher, the more concentrate you can save, as the reclaim gets to the dish quicker and doesn't have as much time to cool and clog.

Clean your reclaim catcher regularly with isopropyl alcohol or warm water. These nifty accessories are available in silicone and glass, but removing the sticky reclaim from silicone is easier.

The Benefits of Reclaim Catchers

They Reclaim Your Lost Dabs

Why waste when you can save? Reclaiming your concentrates ensures minimal waste and maximum return on your precious dollars.

They Keep Your Dab Rig Clean

No one likes big globs of dabs building up in their rig. Catchers will dramatically reduce the frequency you'll need to clean your accessories.

Easy to Clean

You'll need to clean your reclaim catcher frequently. Both glass and silicone are easy to maintain and will save you heaps of time from cleaning your entire dab rig.

How to Use a Reclaim Catcher

Step 1: Attach the Reclaim Catcher to your Rig

Take your reclaim catcher and slide it onto the joint of your dab rig or water pipe. Ensure a snug fit so that it sits securely between the joint and the nail or banger. Make sure it is properly aligned and balanced to avoid any spills.

Step 2: Take a Dab

Using a torch, heat your dab nail or banger to your ideal desired temperature. Once heated, allow it to cool slightly to reach the ideal dabbing temperature. Take a small amount of your concentrate on a dab tool and touch it to the heated nail or banger. Inhale the resulting vapor through the mouthpiece of your rig.

Step 3: Remove the Reclaim Catcher and Collect the Reclaim

After you finish your dab, carefully detach the reclaim catcher from your rig. It's essential to handle it cautiously as it may still be hot. Inside the reclaim catcher, you will find residual concentrate. Use a dab tool to scrape out the collected dab reclaim and transfer it to a separate container for storage and later use.

Step 4: Clean the Reclaim Catcher

Once you have collected the reclaim, cleaning the reclaim catcher is essential to maintain its performance. Rinse it with warm water or use isopropyl alcohol to remove any residue or buildup. Dry it thoroughly before your next dabbing session.

Step 5: Reattach the Reclaim Catcher for Next Time

Once the reclaim catcher is clean and dry, reattach it to your rig by sliding it back onto the joint. Ensure a secure fit, and it's ready to use again!

Buy Reclaim Catchers Online at GrassCity

Ready to save a few bucks and maximize your concentrates? Check out Grass City's high-quality silicone and glass reclaimers for a more rewarding dabbing experience!

About the Author

Adam Frost - Content Specialist - LinkedIn

I've been a digital content expert in the cannabis space for over 6 years, producing curated content for a wide range of businesses within the cannabis industry. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, skiing, hanging out with dogs and playing drums in the Denver-based thrash metal band Condemned to Burn.