Deep Sea Diving with the Nautilus Ice Bong

One of the perks of my job is that I get to smoke out of a lot of different bongs. Today I got to try the Nautilus Ice Bong from Grasscity’s own Glasscity.

First Impression

My first impression of the Nautilus is that this bong was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Standing at 15.8 inches/40 cm tall, the Nautilus ice bong is quite an impressive sight. Just from looking at the 5mm thick high quality borosilicate glass, you can tell that this bong is sturdy and made to last. The round foot at the base of the bong makes it pretty much impossible to tip over. The cluster of ice notches not only hold ice cubes to cool your hit, they provide great grip-ability, and prevent the piece from slipping from your hands.

The Pros

The fixed slitted diffuser downstem ensures a smooth cool hit from beginning to end. The small, yet sturdy glass bowl comes with a large handle, making clearing the bong a breeze. As smoke travels through the downstem it makes a deep and satisfying bubbling sound. The smoke travels through the ice cubes, cooling the hit immensely by the time it reaches your lungs. The unique cylindrical base really cuts down on the splashback, which is always a plus in my book.

The unique shape makes this a particularly fun piece to smoke. The location of the joint and bowl make it easy to light with the bowl on the side, which is great if you don’t want to get smoke in your face. If you hold the other side of the tube as you light it, you feel like you’re holding a periscope, except you’re smoking weed.

Some Cons

One thing I should mention is that this bong is going to be a bit difficult to clean. You can’t remove the downstem to get it clean, and slitted diffusers can clog if you don’t clean them out frequently. However, the downstem has 18 horizontal slits, if one clogs it’s not going to affect your hit all that much. This is still a piece that I would rinse out after every session. As long as you take care of it, the Nautilus should serve you faithfully for many years. I’m happy to add it to my collection.

Want to see the Nautilus ice bong in action? Check out the video below!


Have you used the Nautilus ice bong? Got anything else to add? Tell us in the comments!